Thursday, May 14, 2020

If You're Able, Please Help Those in Need

In this time of need, it's important for us to come together and help those who are less fortunate. The economic difficulties brought on by the pandemic have added to the adversity that many people face as they struggle to pay bills, feed families and maintain some form of income.
Now more than ever, please do what you can to help.
If you're able, please consider making a monetary or food/household goods donation to Hosea Helps. This Atlanta-based organization has helped disadvantaged people for many years.
If you'd like to make a donation of food or other essential household items, you can take your donations to the following address at the following days/times:

The Hosea Helps Warehouse
Tues. – Thurs. | 10 AM – 5 PM
4779 Mindy Drive SW
Atlanta, Georgia 30336

Or if you wish to make a monetary donation, please visit

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