Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Little Rock, Ark.: Historically Significant Southern City


AAE recently visited Little Rock, Ark., home of the William J. Clinton Presidential Center & Park and the Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site. 

Pictured above, the Clinton Center is a monument to his presidency and the Clinton Foundation and its work to promote human rights and equality worldwide. 

Shown above is a replica of the Cabinet room in the White House. Clinton served as president from 1993 - 2001. Clinton, the 42nd U.S. president, worked to expand economic opportunities for Americans and was an agent for peace in international relations.

Pictured above is a replica of the Oval Office in the White House. The Clinton Center replica includes furnishings and decor that reflected what was seen in the White House during Clinton's time in office,  including a replica of the "Resolute" desk, an historic piece of furniture first used as the desk in the Oval by President John F. Kennedy. 

Conflict and controversy erupted in 1957 at Little Rock Senior High School (now known as Little Rock Central High School). Amid efforts to integrate the school with African-American students, protests by angry White mobs erupted, threatening the students who just wanted the chance to get a good education. Nine brave students, known as the Little Rock Nine, would go down in history for their courage in facing down the ugly hatred and bigotry that was thrust upon them by racist Whites. The nine, Terrence Roberts, Elizabeth Eckford, Ernest Green, Thelma Mothershed, Minnijean Brown, Jefferson Thomas, Carlotta Walls, Gloria Ray and Melba Patillo, will forever be remembered as true American heroes and patriots who stood up for what was right in the face of unspeakable hostility.  Their tremendous sacrifice and battle against adversity led to expanded opportunities and greater freedom for oppressed people striving for education and equality worldwide. 

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